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Season Awards


10 Seasons


Joshua Bawden

Joel Beard

Aleisha Chandler

Blake Chandler

Gemma Coldicott

Jessica Ferguson

Liam Hillyer

Methuli Illankone

Baileigh Kimber

Isabella Lancaster

Sophie Lancaster

Haana Leong

Alexander Lowe

Chloe Moore

Edward Nguyen

Ryan Peterson

Kingsley Quang

Amrit Sidhu

Liam Sorrell

Ty Synnott

Jack Taylor

Chloe Thorp

Jamie Van Kollenburg

Joel Van Kollenburg

15 Seasons


Lucas Arrif

William Boncher

Blake Frazer

Liam Hayes

Ryan Hayes

Lucas Hillyer

Kyle Mandeville

Trent Marotta

Isaac Onn

Phoenix Pandov-Singh

Amy Sutherland

Matthew Thompson

20 Seasons


Zara Byrne

Liam Connelly

Samuel Holness

Hayden Hsu

Mitchell Jackson

Ashen Perera

Joshua Diaz


10 Seasons


Eric An
Anthony Arrif
Eve Ashley
Jacob Beard
Jimmy Beary
Carter Broda
Spencer Broda
Heath Brown
Oliver Burgess
Zach Burgess
Jack Cannard
Sarah Cannard
Olivia Coldicott
Kalani Cust
Madeleine de Waard
Hunter Duke
Mitchell Duke
Olivia Fuller
Jordyn Hill
Lucan Hillyer
Ethan Javor
Jayden Kader
Zoe Kimber
Reif Lambie
Sean Lee
Allan Li
Ellie McNaught
Samuel Moore
Bridie Morgan
Liam O'Connor
Jacob Onn
Hayden Ooi
Aquila Pandov-Singh
Kimi Quang
Lucas Scheltinga
Lachlan Sheaf
Joshua Shelly
Aidan Sturge
Emily Thompson
William Thompson
Aiden Thorp
Cody Thorp
Chloe Tritton
Nicolas Vaitman
Joel Venables
Declan Wilson
Ryan Yeow
Lilly Byrne
Lachlan Boncher
Madison Taylor

15 Seasons


Lachlan Aka
Zane Aka
Thomas Antonellos
Ryan Beary
Cooper Broda
Kade Burgess
Fletcher Christie
Ethan Correa
Tyler David
Ashton Day
Keshaune De Silva
Benjamin Duke
Adam Gason
Liam Isherwood
Lachlan Johnston
Namreet Kaur
Felicity McNaught
William Newey
Nicholas Rodda
Joshua Smith
Luke Smith
Erica Tchen
Zach Tulloch
Jessica Twomey
Callum Wallace
Sebastian Watt
Daniel Wildie
Chelcie Farrall
Paige Gale
Lucas Kennedy

20 Seasons


Cooper Blakely
Riley Burgess
Hannah Lawson
Luke Nerlich
Ryan Twomey
Joshua Connelly
Trinity West
James Lintott-Southwell

30 Seasons


Jack Gardam
Georgia Ashley
Lachlan Sheaf

25 Seasons


Paris Tritton
Sandya Srikanthan


10 Seasons


Nicholas Alexander
Lucan Arrif
Hannah Bainbridge
William Boncher
Joey Bulakh
Sienna Cooper
Andre DeNiese
Hudson DeYoung
Claudia Failla
Elisha Failla
Minuka Fernando
Blake Frazer
Caitlin Giang
Matthew Harford
Liam Hayes
Ryan Hayes
Jett Hughes
Hayley Lintott-Southwell
Kyle Mandeville
Trent Marotta
Felicity McNaught
Lucas Norton
Cameron O'Connor
Isaac Onn
Kyle Pappos
Arya Shakeeb
Neilsen Sugianto
Matthew Thompson
Alexandra Venables
Stephanie Warr
Danny Yan
Erick Zhou

15 Seasons


Jared Bignell
Brodie Burgess
Zara Byrne
Joshua Diaz
Sam Holness
Hayden Hsu
Mitchell Jackson
Samuel Valentini

20 Seasons


Ryan Brealey
Tyler Diaz
Tom Sinclair
Jessica Tyler


10 Seasons


Ryan Beary
Cooper Broda
Kade Burgess
Gavin Cao
Keshaune De Silva
Ashton Devink
Benjamin Duke
Liam Isherwood
Ryan Isherwood
Lachlan Johnston
Luke Konstantopoulos
Phoenix Pandov-Singh
Tiyashi Perera
Stephanie Quang
Nicholas Rodda
Alex Sinni
Joshua Smith
Jessica Twomey
Daniel Wildie
Thomas Antonellos
Courtney Bainbridge
Rachel Bentley
Fletcher Christie
Ethan Correa
Tyler David
Adam Gason
Bryson Reily
Jordyn Sinni
Luke Smith
Amy Sutherland
Erica Tchen
Jordan Tchen
Ethan Puls

15 Seasons


Christopher Grimwood
Lucy McNaught
Luke Nerlich
Ben Raymond
Caedan Reily
James Lintott-Southwell
Ryan Twomey

20 Seasons


Ben Ashley
Emily duVallon

25 Seasons


Jack Gardam
Olivia Gould


10 Seasons


Cassie Redford

Aaron Taylor

Alexia Pagarliotas

Beau Buruma

Callum Holden

Chelcie Farrall

Christopher Grimwood

Emily McNaught

Hannah Jackson

Harvir Singh

Jacob McCarthy

James Lintott-Southwell

Kyle Anderson

Kyle Twomey

Laura Chatwin

Lucy McNaught

Matthew Lawrence

Paige Gale

Robert Chatwin

Ryan Twomey

Samantha Bignell

Shaun Roberton

Simar Kaur

15 Seasons


Ben Ashley

Benson Lin

David Freeman

Emma Jones

Grace Bignell

Hannah Lawson

Jackson Weiser

Jun Arakane

Nicholas Bartlett

Paris Tritton

Trinity West

Abigail Simon

20 Seasons


Jordan Keil

Matthew Corr

Sandya Srikanthan

Simal Singh

Zara Byrne

Liam Connelly

Samuel Holness

Hayden Hsu

Mitchell Jackson

Ashen Perera

Joshua Diaz

30 Seasons


Paul Tyler

25 Seasons


Erik Vakalis

Jasneel Singh

Kiera Walshe-Urbancic

Tyler Diaz

Hannah Lawson

Wantirna Jetbacks Basketball Club

PO Box 9239, Scoresby VIC 3179


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