Team Managers
The team managers role involves helping the coach with the administrative side of the team during the season. This is not a difficult task and doesn't involve much time to perform.
The main tasks that a team manager undertakes are:
Create a roster for scoring and sweeping at the start of the season.
Make sure that all players are registered on the computer on game day.
Ensure the team is wearing the alternate side of the singlet (black side) when the team is playing either another Jetbacks team or the Belgrave South Red Devils. The club secretary will notify you via email if this is required in the week prior to the game.
If there is a fill-in player on game day, make sure that the players details are written down for the scorer to enter. You will need to obtain first name, surname, date of birth, suburb, postcode and singlet number they will be wearing on the day.
Order or replenish your your team's First Aid Kit
The club secretary communicates club information to team managers and coaches and asks that team managers pass this information onto their teams
If a player decides not to play during a season, make sure you notify the club secretary.
Organise the end of season breakup and coach gift with the families.